Supporting you through the most delicate of family matters

Get expert legal advice on divorce, separation and matters involving children or finances with our solicitors in Newcastle and Sunderland.

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What do our Divorce Solicitors specialise in?

Filing for divorce is the legal process to end a marriage. If your relationship with your spouse is difficult or has broken down, you may first consider talking to a Counsellor or engaging in Mediation to see if the marriage can be saved. If it can’t, then the family team at Sweeney Miller solicitors can advise and guide you through the divorce process.

There have been a number of changes aimed at making the divorce process easier for separating couples, this has also been called ‘no-fault divorce’. The archaic Latin language previously used, such as “Decree Nisi” has been changed to a “Conditional Order” and the “Decree Absolute” has been changed to the “Final Order”. The objective is to help each side more confidently navigate the divorce process with as little conflict between both sides as possible.

In response, at Sweeney Miller Law, we have reduced our fixed fees for dealing with the procedural side of the divorce as, although the divorce is technically more straight forward, splitting couples still need to consider the significant implications of divorce for them and their family. For example, divorce can affect your tax position, pension entitlements and inheritance position, which is why specialist advice is recommended as early in the process as possible.

Separation without Divorce

Sometimes called Judicial or legal separation, this process is similar to divorce but at the end of it, you will still be married. If you are not sure if you are ready to divorce or there are religious or cultural reasons why divorce would be inappropriate, then a legal separation could be an option. This is an agreement between you both to set out how you will live and how your property and finances are managed following the separation. The separation process involves:

  • One of the couple applies to the court for a separation

  • The court will formally approve the separation

  • Family finance arrangements can be made, and decisions made regarding any children

  • There can be issues surrounding pension arrangements with judicial separations.

It is important to get professional advice as soon as possible to help you decide which route to follow.

As with divorcing couples, separating Civil Partners will need to apply to the Court for a dissolution. The legal processes are broadly the same as divorce with the same entitlements in terms of property, maintenance payments, pension and arrangements for the children. Sweeney Miller is experienced in dealing with all aspect of Civil Partnerships and can guide you through the dissolution process.

With offices in Sunderland and Newcastle, our family lawyers work with clients across the North East. For a free no-obligation first discussion please get in touch using the phone numbers below or by emailing or using our contact form.

Divorce FAQs

Under the ‘no-fault’ divorce regime it is highly unlikely that you will need to go to Court for the divorce itself. Court proceedings may be necessary if the split of assets cannot be agreed or there is a dispute regarding any children. If that does happen, the divorce solicitors at Sweeney Miller Law will represent you in Court, offering advice and guidance along the way.